Singlemeeple Board games from a solo gamer's perspective

Tiny Epic Defenders - A Solo Review

Tiny Epic Defenders - A Solo Review

There’s never a dull moment in Aughmoore. You’ve barely returned from cleaning out a few dungeons and all the regions around the capital city are being attacked by harpies, giant wasps and dragons. Unfortunately there’s only two of you to defend the realm. Will you succeed?

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Messina 1347 - A Solo Review

Messina 1347 - A Solo Review

In the category of very aptly named games, I present to you Messina 1347, which takes place in—you guessed it—Messina in—yup, you guessed it again—1347, at the start of the outbreak of the black death plague epidemic. The disease came to Europe via merchant ships bringing not only luxury goods, but also rats infested with infected fleas. Do you have what it takes to survive this horrible period and secure the city?

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Tiny Epic Dungeons - A Solo Review

Tiny Epic Dungeons - A Solo Review

Just as you want to take a first sip of your ale, a man stumbles into the inn, panic in his eyes. “The g-g-goblins,” he stutters, “they’re c-c-coming closer!”. Not really a surprise, this region is called The Goblin’s Coast after all, but you have to agree the creatures have been coming closer to the village than ever before. You sigh, push back your ale and grab your axe. “Enough of this… I’ll go settle it once and for all,” you say while tossing a coin to the barkeep. As the doors close behind you, you hear someone mumble “Isn’t that what the last one said as well?”

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Viscounts of the West Kingdom - A Solo Review

Viscounts of the West Kingdom - A Solo Review

The people are starting to lose faith in the king ever since his actions caused the kingdom to slowly collapse into poverty. As one of his trusted viscounts, you might go down with the king in case a shift in power ever occurs. You can’t let that happen now, can you? You want to gain favor with the people in case someone else takes over the reigns, but you also want to keep showing loyalty to the king in case he manages to stay in power after all. Will you succeed in preparing for whatever comes?

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Viticulture: Visit from the Rhine Valley - A Solo Review

Viticulture: Visit from the Rhine Valley - A Solo Review

After running your vineyard for a few years you’re starting to make a bit of a name for yourself. This attracts new visitors during summer and winter. These people are especially interested in the process of making wine. Can you make them happy, and, more importantly, can they in turn help you improve your vineyard even more?

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